Importance of the Psalms
They are relevant ( we find help in the Psalms They are theological ( we find attributes of God in the Psalms ) They express our thoughts and feelings. They are filled with Praise They are filled with Prayer Each and every Psalm is unique, and the uniqueness comes from the Forms. The Forms help us understand the passage. Psalms are Poetic… It communicates not just information but experiences. We see the depths of those who write these psalms… It uses things like figures of speech. We see Similes A is like B. Ex.. Ps 52:8 8 But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever. Metaphors A is B Ex. Ps 115:9 Psalm 115:9 ESV 9 O Israel, trust in the Lord! He is their help and their shield. Personification non-human A is human b Psalm 98:8–9 ESV 8 Let the rivers clap their hands; let the hills sing for joy together 9 before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with equity. Word Pictures Psalm 97:2–6 ESV 2 Clouds and thick darkness are all around him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne. 3 Fire goes before him and burns up his adversaries all around. 4 His lightnings light up the world; the earth sees and trembles. 5 The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth. 6 The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all the peoples see his glory. Identical Parallelism Psalm 29:1–2 ESV 1 Ascribe to the Lord, O heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. 2 Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness. Synonymous parallelism Synonymous parallelism is a poetic literary device which involves the repetition of one idea in successive lines. Psalm 19:1–2 ESV 1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. 2 Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. Antithetical parallelism Antithetical parallelism provides an antithesis, or contrast. A verse containing antithetical parallelism will bring together opposing ideas in marked contrast. Instead of saying the same thing twice, it says one thing and then a different thing. Psalm 20:7–8 ESV 7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. 8 They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright. Synthetic parallelism Synthetic parallelism involves the completion or expansion of the idea of the first part in the second part. Psalm 46:7 ESV 7 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah In the Psalms we see things like Acrostics An acrostic poem is a poem in which the first letter (or sometimes the first syllable) of each line spells out a word, name, or sentence. Longest is Psalms 119 where it has every single letter in the Hebrew alphabet is listed. The Psalms make up 5 books. 1-41 42-72 73-89 90-106 107-150 The Psalms have 116 Superscriptions. 110 have a proper name and 74 mention David. Some are anonymous. 12 for Asaph 12 under David. Korahites 12, Haggai 3, Zechariah 3, 2 Soloman. Moses had 1. Psalms developed overtime. Certain Individuals wrote the Psalms. Under David the Psalms went to Jerusalem, then his son Soloman developed them more. Exile led to more collection of the Psalms and more Psalms then finally they were brought together. There are many themes in the Psalms, Worship 85Faith 75Prayer: Petition 70Thankfulness 62God:Providence 60Righteousness 57God:Faithfulness 56God:Love 56Music 55Salvation 54God:Power 52Joy 49Eternity 47Evil 45Grief 43Persecution 43Blessing 41Holiness 41Reverence 41God:Mercy 36Tabernacle 36Glory 35Creation 33God:Sovereignty 33Justice 32Prayer 31Death 28God:Wrath 28Honor 26Honesty 25Suffering 25Happiness 24Judgment 23God:Grace 22God:Presence 21Guidance 21Poverty 21Pride 21Humility 20Revelation 20Sin 20Family:Children 19Hope 19Obedience 18Patience 18Power 18Promises 18Redemption 18Wisdom 17Speech 16Education 15Peace 15Sacrifice 15Stress 15Complaining 14Holidays:Thanksgiving 14Commitment 13God:Knowledge 13Heaven 13Law 13Slander 13Victory 13Covenant 12Discipline 12Forgiveness 12Prophecy:Jesus 12Fear 11Injustice 11Mission 11Repentance 11Confession 10Encouragement 10Violence 10Character 9Doubt 9Miracles 9Purity 9Stewardship 9Watchfulness 9Assurance 8Election 8Foolishness 8Idolatry 8Killing 8Prayer:Intercession 8War 8Wealth 8Angels 7Anger 7Beauty 7Depression 7Friendship 7Healing 7Loneliness 7Truth 7Weakness 7Comfort 6Courage 6Family: Fathers 6Mercy 6Revenge 6Apostasy 5Atheism 5Blasphemy 5Clothing 5Conflict 5Discouragement 5Giving 5Greed 5Kingdom of God 5Perseverance 5Revival 5Alcohol 4Atonement 4Eschatology:Resurrection 4God:Father 4Government 4Guilt 4Holidays:Fathers 4Restoration 4Sabbath 4Sanctity of Life 4Scripture 4Service 4Sickness 4Submission 4Work 4Adoption 3Calling 3Creativity 3Economics 3Envy 3Family 3Fasting 3Freedom 3Holidays: Memorial 3Holy Spirit 3Justification 3Money 3Profanity 3Temptation 3Borrowing 2Church and State 2Contentment 2Counseling 2Family: Mothers 2Gluttony 2GoodWorks 2Holidays:Mothers 2Jesus:Epiphany 2Jesus: Resurrection 2Legalism 2Love 2Marriage 2Neighbors 2BabyDedication 1Church: Fellowship 1Conversion 1Creation:Renewal 1Debt 1Discipleship 1Eschatology:Last Judgment 1Family: Parents 1Family: Wives 1Holidays: New Years 1Hypocrisy 1Jealousy 1Jesus:Humanity 1Leadership 1Parables 1Prophecy 1Shame 1Stealing 1Vision 1Women 1idolatry 1 Mainly the Psalms are known by their Genre. The main genres are Praise, Lament, Royal, Wisdom, Thanksgiving, Trust, and Hymn.
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